reading rewards.

in our class room nikau this year we  have  book rewards for  the kids on your table. every one in the class is included and most people have read  heaps but only one table has over thirty books it works is however many books you read you get points towards rewards like pizza,lemonade all the way to a fun day or your group you are also aloud to read novels and graphic novels she tells us to try and read bigger books if were not reading books  at our level that are easy to read in ten minutes  but we all contribute to try and all the groups are doing great.




at our school  we play skipping every lunch time everyday  we  sum times jump in all together but mostly one at a time  in a line.We jump in to teddy bear and seashells witch are different  skipping songs  every lunchtime any one is allowed to play no matter if its year one all the way to year eight skipping usually   has a teacher on duty to make sure nothing bad happens.

cooking tech.

this term in our class we have tech again but this time we are in different groups im in cooking with my friends and our teacher in tech is whaea Cindy so far we have cooked apple sponge, mince and cheese pies , mac and cheese  also jam scones  all of our cooking has taste nice and not much has gone wrong . In cooking tech  we all have buddy’s if not groups of three and we all have our share of the dishes. This term we  have learnt how to set the oven to the right temperature  and what the difference to all of the cooking teaspoons and tablespoons  we have also learnt how to dice the vegetables. Cooking tech has been so fun and i cant wait till next Monday.



our production.

our school is having a production  our production  is named ukaipo.  My class nikau is dancing onstage to foot trot flats  we are going to be dressed as farmers and sheepdogs . We do production practises every once and a while anyways  five kids from our class and two kids from another class are our main characters. Our production is about a kid wanting to see his relatives at oruaiti school  to   learn more about newzealand and what we do here. we are also doing it as a whole school  so every kid is included  our production is going to be so awesome.

oil pastel.

in my class nikau our teacher whaea Sarah showed us an amazing colour full product called oil pastel oil pastel is like a crayon but it is  made  differently. She showed us the ways we  can use it and how to blend the substance with another colour   we used oil pastels to draw a candle with a flame  it was really interesting and was really messy.Have u ever used oil pastel .



this week we are focusing on haiku’s.

haiku’s are a type of  Japanese poem  the poem has to have a  certain amount of

syllables witch is five seven and  five syllables in each sentence  of your haiku our class had to do three

one of mine was about dogs have you ever done a haiku?

fast fun and wet.

two weeks ago i went to bali and the first week we were there we went white river rafting in the jungle we started of by going down a hill of steps with our life jackets and paddles we reached the bottom by the raging  river  we saw a big blow up yellow boat.  we hopped in the boat well our instructor told us the rules then  he pushed the boat and we were of  thirty minutes later and there was a huge drop our boat almost  went in half, soon we got stuck on a rock. and we had to bounce up and down to make the boat move we were still stuck until a  heap of water crashed into us pushing the boat of the rock. then we ran into the wall and soon stopped at  a waterfall we got to  stand under it as a family and our  photo was taken by our instructor. we got back into the boat and went down the river for an hour until we got to a waterfall and   soon we could jump in the water and it carried us to the end.


At tech we do sewing and so on anyways at sewing  we have sewn an eye mask that is scented with citrus  or vanilla bean   we have also sewn a label and tag onto our eye mask with our writing on it to our family we have also  been sewing bags for our dads at the moment for putting  stuff in it and hanging it we will soon be doing some new sewing next week but so far that what we have done at sewing tech have a look at the pictures of what looks like we have  made.




every day at lunchtime we play soccer  at the bottom field  first we choose are teams then we have Gollies  defence midfielder, centre forward, right wing, and left wing  anyways  both of our teams go head to head against each other because all u can hear  is  wack kick crash fling the ball  goes  flying  every  time  and  poof!!!  its  out   then  we play  again  again  and again and thats soccer.