”i want the flower”!

It was a peaceful morning. The fields were full of frost. The trees were blooming with flowers but on one tiny field there was only one flower which every bug wanted and on that flower stood  a praying mantis  and a butterfly they were arguing over the flower because they both wanted the flower. The  butterfly king clutter  had  two long  antennae and had wings that shaded into a sunset color. The pray mantis queen poppy  had long legs and  stripes of pink on her arms and head


‘’ I need the flower’’ said the butterfly’’ i need it more’’ said the  praying mantis ‘’ for what’’ i need it for my  castle it would be great for a  flag well ‘’i need it’’ even more for  my kingdom so i can wear it for a cape  there is only one way to settle it  we must fight  ‘’ its on’’!!! Attention butterflies get ready to fight . Attention praying mantis get ready  to fight three two one  food fight!!!!!!!! Pu pu pu! The food went flying at high speed, everyone was soaked in food  and  about ten minutes later everyone had wasted all of the  food in the kingdom and that was a problem. What were they going to do?


But then they all thought and came up with a plan: let’s eat the flower perfect but then guess what happened. This did. okay i get eight pieces and you get seven no i get eight pieces and you get seven pieces! ‘’Mine’’!  ‘’Mine’’!

monarch butterflies.

A man was  walking through a  mexican jungle, as trees were swaying around him.  As he tramped he heard the sound of  leaves swaying, he walked closer in and saw these amazing  bunches of butterflies as he walked past them they looked like  huge pinecones  and were amazing to look at.

The buterflies wings flaped fast, it sounded like rain and  they were all about to take off  because the sun was glistening through the trees the  butterflies all had one last flap and took off. As they all were gliding in the air  they  looked like autom leaves floating .


The butterflies were  monarch butterflies.  and most of the the monarch butterflies are in mexicoThere wingspan is about 4 inches The male butterflies are typically larger than the females. The monarch butterflies are fast growers.And they are very beutifull.

we are lucky to have the monarch butterfleis and i wish i cauld  go to mexico and see all of those amzing butterflies and i am so glad they made that video so i cauld write about it.

but what we can do to help them is plant  native milk weed and native  wild flowers to help them so they can last the winter spring and fall that they spend in the united states and canada. We need to pretecect these spieces to come.

the dive in.

To the mysterious well as he dove in he tucked that map under his arms as the freezing water wrapped around   him like a blanket  but there was no way back. He’d gone already far   and  he needed to breathe.  but suddenly he thought? How is this possible? Will this map take me to where it says? But in one  glance he was in fresh air  breathing very roughly.


 ‘’Why did I do this?’’ He said. there were dark tunnels around him, one that had vines hanging down from the top. one that had  snakes hanging down and the other was ‘’bb bats!’’ he said, spooked from the black dark winged figures. Soon he chose the cave with the vines and went forward and then into it and then he suddenly noticed a golden light. He wanted it to be his prize; he hoped it was gold.


 soon his face rized with a smile and said oh my gosh look at all of this gold gold gold gold the room eacoed the room was filled with endless gold that where the shapes of a pyramid and the boy could not resist and slightly touched it  and out came   a trap door  this time it pushed him in the air  all the way up the ice water! and  head first into the lake.

My emoji story

On Monday I went home because my 👩was 🤒. I didn’t really want to ➡️ because  I wanted to play with my 🤼‍♀️but I still hopped in the 🚗 And drove up our🛣️right to our 🏡. Our 🦮Garcia wagged her tail so we  gave her a huge  hug. After that we went in the   🏡and ate some  🥨Then watched 📺.because we were feeling 🛌🏼.

All about me

I am a year 6 student.

 I have a pet dog named Garcia.

I have one brother and one

 sister that are both older than 

Me.  and my parents

Also my favorite food is pizza

My favorite subject is pe/games but mostly art

And I like listening to chill songs.

And i love to draw interesting things

 that are different from all of my other drawings.

And i love playing and talking with my friends 

At school and out of school.